Oct 5, 2014

New Goals in 2015

Some people wait for New Year to start some resolution or goals. Not me, I plan in advance. In January, I will start a new contact at MPC Montreal. Hopefully better salary too, So I will invest in my future with it.

A part of trying to have a Comic-con booth next year, I will aim for a 3D printer. I want to start combine my two skills: Digital modeling and tradional scultping. So with a good printer I will be able to export more hardedge mechanical and symmetrical object that will be combine with my Casteline sculpt.

Reproducing a simple form in tradional sculpting would mean doing a mold for it and cast it. I prefer 3D print a car wheel four time beside doing a small mold for it.

So which printer to buy. These day Desktop 3D printer are so versatiles in resolution and price.

 I order some simples from some compagny to see the quality that I can have.

I could use a printer like the Kickstarter one printing with filaments like Solid Doodle (600$) but the resolution is awful.

I thought go for a 3D printer for Jewelry They print in wax, perfect resolution, but it like 26000$. The technique use: Stereolithography

Last year, a new challenger came to live in a Kickstarter campaign: Form 1+ from Formlab. Price: 3300$ but what a perfect resolution for my use. This a Stereolithography technology printer and it printer in resins. It print in the resin liqud and a laser hit the spots that need to be solidify.

Because all final printed models need to be clean or sand, I found that the Stereolythography technology is better for me and need less post-work.

Today, I start my new project made of Casteline: A wolve in 1:9 scale. I build the armature and will out the wax or it soon.

I also take some time to adjust my Bannerman 3D model for futur use: Base model reference for the armature of a 1:9 scale man.
Bannerman - WIP 011

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